- 2 Hounds Design
- Alcott
- All For Paws
- Animology
- Anovet
- Armitage
- Bags On Board
- Beaphar
- Beco Pets
- Bergan
- Billy & Margot
- Bobby
- Calibra
- Canagan
- Dogit
- Earthbath
- Flexi
- Forever Living
- GoodBoy
- GoodGirl
- Hill's Pet
- JR Pet Products
- Lillidale
- Little Big Paw
- Mikki
- Nekton
- Nerf
- Pet Remedy
- PetAg
- Pioneer Pet
- Prey
- Royal Canin
- Safe4
- Simple Solution
- Starbar
- Taste of the Wild
- Tasty Bone
- Thrive
- Vets Best
- Vetericyn
- Whimzees
- Zeal
- Ziwi Peak
- 2 Hounds Design
- Adult Dog
- Adult Dog Food
- Alcott
- All For Paws
- Animology
- Anovet
- Anti-Itch
- Armitage
- automatic waterers
- Bags On Board
- Balls
- Beaphar
- Beco Pets
- Bed Crates & Outdoors
- Beds
- Beds Crates & Outdoors
- Bergan
- Billy & Margot
- Bird
- bird cage cleaning
- bird first aid
- bird-cage-cleaning
- Birds
- Bobby
- Bones & Chews
- Brand - JR Pet Products
- brand-2-hound-design
- brand-alcott
- brand-all-for-paws
- brand-animology
- brand-armitage
- brand-beaphar
- brand-beco-pets
- brand-bergan
- brand-bobby
- brand-carr-day-and-martin
- brand-chomper
- brand-coastal
- brand-dogit
- brand-earth-rated
- brand-earthbath
- brand-ecabiotec
- brand-forever-living
- brand-little-big-paw
- brand-mikki
- brand-mps-two
- brand-nerf
- brand-pet-remedy
- brand-petag
- brand-royal-canin
- brand-simple-solution
- brand-starbar
- brand-taste-of-the-wild
- brand-vetericyn
- brand-vets-best
- brand-whimzees
- brand-zeal
- breed-size-giant
- breed-size-large
- breed-size-medium
- breed-size-mini-and-small
- breed-size-small
- Bully
- Calibra
- calming
- Calming & Behaviour
- Calming & First Aid
- calming for cats
- calming for dogs
- Canagan
- care-type-anti-itch
- Carebeaphar
- carpet cleaners
- Cat
- cat bags
- Cat Beds & Carriers
- cat behaviour
- cat bowl
- cat bowls
- cat carriers
- Cat Coat Care
- Cat Collars & Tags
- cat crates
- cat dental care
- cat doors
- Cat Feeders & Bowls
- cat first aid
- Cat Food
- cat food accessories
- Cat Grooming & Health
- Cat Grooming Tools
- Cat Health
- Cat Health & Grooming
- Cat Health & Hygeine
- Cat Health Support
- Cat Healthcare
- Cat Litter Accessories
- Cat Shampoo
- cat tags
- cat toys
- Cat Treats
- cat-litter-tools
- Cats
- Chew Toys
- chomper
- Cleaning Supplies
- Cleansing
- Clothing & Shoes
- Coat & Skin Care
- Coat Care
- Collars
- Collars & Fashion
- Conditioner
- Cooling Accessories
- Cooling Toys
- Crates & Carriers
- Crates & Doors
- Dental
- Dental Care
- Dental Toys
- Dental Treats
- Diapers & Sanitary
- diapers & sanitary aids
- Dog
- dog bags
- Dog Beds
- Dog Behaviour
- Dog Behaviour Solutions
- Dog Bowl
- Dog Bowls
- Dog Bowls & Feeders
- Dog Calming
- dog carrier for travel
- dog carriers
- Dog Chews
- Dog Clothing
- Dog Coat Care
- Dog Collars
- dog cooling accessories
- dog crates
- Dog Dental Care
- dog dental treats
- dog diapers
- Dog Dry
- Dog Dry Food
- Dog Fashion
- dog first aid
- Dog Food
- Dog Food Dry
- dog harness
- dog harnesses
- Dog Health
- Dog Health Support
- Dog Healthcare
- Dog Healthcare & Grooming
- Dog Hygeine
- Dog Hygeine & Housing
- dog kennels
- Dog Leashes & Leads
- Dog Messes
- dog moist treats
- dog muzzles
- dog name tags
- dog obedience
- dog odour eliminators
- dog outdoors
- dog playpens
- dog sanitary
- Dog Shampoo
- dog shoes
- Dog Tags
- dog toys
- dog training
- dog travel
- Dog Treats
- Dog Wear
- Dog Wet Food
- dog-coat-care
- dog-ear-care
- dog-eye-care
- dog-iata-carriers
- dog-paw-care
- dog-training
- doggy travel
- Dogit
- Dogs
- Dpg Calming Solutions
- Dry Dog Food
- Dry Food Dog
- earth rated
- Earthbath
- Ecabiotec
- feeder & bowls
- Feeders & Bowls
- feeding accessories
- festive
- Fetch Toys
- First Aid
- Flea & Tick
- flea and tick for dogs
- flea treatment for dogs
- Flexi
- flight carrier for dogs
- for cat
- for cats
- for dog
- for dogs
- Forever Living
- Fragrance
- Fussy Eater
- Gates & Pet Doors
- Giant Dog
- GoodBoy
- GoodGirl
- Grain-Free
- grooming tools
- hair removers
- harness
- Harnesses
- Health Support
- Health Treats
- Healthcare & Grooming
- Healthy Treats
- High Visibility
- Hill's Pet
- house breaking
- Housebreaking
- Housebreaking Aids
- Hygeine & Housing
- Hypo-Allergenic
- IATA Approved
- iata approved carriers
- Insect Repellent
- Interactive Toys
- interative toys
- Joint Care & Mobility
- JR Pet Products
- JRPet Products
- Kitten
- Kitten Food
- Kitten Health
- Kitten Milk Replacer
- Large Dog
- Leashes
- Leashes & Leads
- life-stage-adult
- life-stage-mature
- life-stage-puppy
- lifestage-adult
- lifestage-newborn
- lifestage-puppy
- lifestage-weaning
- Lillidale
- Litter & Hygeine
- litter-deo
- Little Big Paw
- Mature Dog Food
- Medium Dog
- Mikki
- Milk & Milk Replacers
- Milk Replacers
- Mini & Small Dog
- Mobility
- Moist Cat Treats
- MPS2
- Nekton
- Nerf
- normal
- normal21
- Odour Eliminator
- Outdoor Accessories
- outdoor dog
- Paw Care
- Paws & Claws
- Pet Carriers
- pet doors
- Pet Remedy
- Pet Safe
- PetAg
- Pioneer Pet
- Plush Toys
- Pomeranian
- poo bag dispensers
- poo bags
- Poop Bags
- Prey
- Puppy
- Puppy Care
- Puppy Dry Food
- Puppy Food
- Puppy Health
- puppy housebreaking
- Puppy Milk Replacer
- Puppy Shampoo
- Puppy Toys
- puppy training
- puppy-coats
- Rabbit
- rabbit food
- Raised Dog Bowl
- raw diets
- Reflective
- reflective collar
- reptile
- reptile cleaning
- Reptiles
- retractable
- Retractable Leashes
- Rope Toys
- Royal Canin
- Safe4
- Sensitive Skin
- Sensitive Stomach
- Shampoo
- Shampoos
- Simple Solution
- slow-feeder
- Small Dog
- small pet
- small pet cage clean
- small pet care
- small pet clean
- small pet cleaning
- small pet first aid
- small pet grooming
- Small Pet Health
- small pet odours
- Small Pets
- small-cage-cleaning
- small-pet-odour-eliminators
- Special Digest Care
- Special Weight Management
- special-care-bone-and-joint
- special-care-digest-care
- special-care-ears-and-eyes
- special-care-fussy-eater
- special-care-mobility
- special-care-sensitive-skin
- special-care-sensitive-stomach
- special-care-weight-management
- specialist-care-calming
- Squeak Toys
- Squeaker Toys
- Stain Removers
- stain-removal
- standing bowl
- Starbar
- Supplements
- Tags
- Tangle Free Shampoo
- Taste of the Wild
- Tasty Bone
- Teaser Toys
- terranium cleaning
- terrarium cleaning
- Thrive
- Training & Behaviour
- training aids for dogs
- Travel
- Travel Bowl
- Travel Dog
- Travel Feeder
- travel-feeders
- Treat Dispenser
- Treat Dispensers
- Tribal Fresh Pressed
- Tug & Fetch
- Tug Toys
- type-
- type-all-dog-treats
- type-anti-itch
- type-automatic-waterers
- type-baked-treats
- type-balls
- type-beaphar
- type-beds
- type-beds-and-blankets
- type-behaviour-solutions
- type-biscuit-treats
- type-bling
- type-bone-and-joint
- type-bowls
- type-bully
- type-bully-and-bones
- type-calming
- type-carpet-cleaners
- type-carriers-and-crates
- type-cat-coat-care
- type-cat-dental-care
- type-cat-ear-care
- type-cat-eye-care
- type-cat-freeze-dried-treats
- type-cat-health
- type-cat-health-support
- type-cat-paw-care
- type-cat-shampoo
- type-cat-treats
- type-chew-toys
- type-chew-treats
- type-chews
- type-cleaning-supplies
- type-cleansing
- type-cleansing-wipes
- type-clothing
- type-coat-care
- type-collars
- type-conditioner
- type-conditioners
- type-cooling-accessories
- type-cooling-toys
- type-dental
- type-dental-care
- type-dental-toys
- type-dental-treats
- type-diapers
- type-dispenser-treats
- type-dog
- type-dog-beds
- type-dog-behaviour
- type-dog-behaviour-solutions
- type-dog-bowls
- type-dog-calming
- type-dog-clothing
- type-dog-collars
- type-dog-conditioner
- type-dog-dental-care
- type-dog-diapers
- type-dog-ear-care
- type-dog-eye-care
- type-dog-fashion
- type-dog-flea-and-tick
- type-dog-fragrance
- type-dog-harness
- type-dog-health
- type-dog-health-support
- type-dog-housing-products
- type-dog-leash
- type-dog-messes
- type-dog-moist-treats
- type-dog-outdoor-products
- type-dog-paw-care
- type-dog-shampoo
- type-dog-tags
- type-dog-training
- type-dog-travel-carrier
- type-dog-treats
- type-dog-vitamins
- type-dog-waterless-bath
- type-dog-wipes
- type-dry-food
- type-dry-shampoo
- type-ear-care
- type-ears-and-eyes
- type-eye-care
- type-eyes-and-ears
- type-fetch-toys
- type-first-aid
- type-flea-and-tick
- type-foams
- type-fragrance
- type-fragrances
- type-freeze-dried
- type-garden-sprays
- type-gate-accessories
- type-grain-free
- type-harness
- type-health-support
- type-health-treats
- type-healthy-treats
- type-high-visibility
- type-home-cleaners
- type-housebreaking
- type-hygeine-and-housing
- type-hypoallegenic
- type-hypoallergenic
- type-iata-approved
- type-insect-repellent
- type-insect-repellents
- type-interactive-toys
- type-joint-care
- type-joint-support
- type-kitten-health
- type-kitten-milk-replacer
- type-lead
- type-leash
- type-leashes
- type-leather
- type-luxurious
- type-milk-and-replacers
- type-milk-replacers
- type-moist-dog-treats
- type-nail-clippers
- type-obedience
- type-odour-eliminator
- type-odour-eliminator-dog
- type-outdoor-dog
- type-outdoor-products
- type-outdoors
- type-paw-care
- type-paws-and-claws
- type-pet-carriers
- type-pet-doors
- type-playpens
- type-plush-toys
- type-poo-bags
- type-puppy-food
- type-puppy-health
- type-puppy-milk-replacer
- type-puppy-milk-replacers
- type-puppy-shampoo
- type-puppy-toys
- type-rabbit-food
- type-rawhide-free
- type-real-meat
- type-real-meat-treats
- type-reflective
- type-retractable
- type-retractable-leashes
- type-rope-toys
- type-shampoo
- type-shampoos
- type-slow-feeders
- type-small-breed-dog
- type-small-pet-cleansers
- type-small-pet-first-aid
- type-small-pet-grooming
- type-squeak-toys
- type-squeaker-toys
- type-stain-removers
- type-supplements
- type-tangle-free
- type-teasers
- type-toy-breed-dog
- type-training-for-dogs
- type-travel
- type-travel-accessories
- type-travel-feeder
- type-treat-dispenser
- type-treat-dispensers
- type-treat-dispersers
- type-tug-toys
- type-vitamins
- type-waterless-bath
- type-weight-management
- type-wet-food
- type-wipes
- Vet's Best
- Vetericyn
- Vets Best
- Vitamins
- Weaning Puppy
- Weight Management
- Whimzees
- Zeal
- Ziwi Peak
- Ziwipeak
- 2 Hounds Design
- Alcott
- All For Paws
- Animology
- Anovet
- Armitage
- Bags On Board
- Beaphar
- Beco Pets
- Bergan
- Billy & Margot
- Bobby
- Calibra
- Canagan
- Dogit
- Earthbath
- Flexi
- Forever Living
- GoodBoy
- GoodGirl
- Hill's Pet
- JR Pet Products
- Lillidale
- Little Big Paw
- Mikki
- Nekton
- Nerf
- Pet Remedy
- PetAg
- Pioneer Pet
- Prey
- Royal Canin
- Safe4
- Simple Solution
- Starbar
- Taste of the Wild
- Tasty Bone
- Thrive
- Vets Best
- Vetericyn
- Whimzees
- Zeal
- Ziwi Peak
- 2 Hounds Design
- Adult Dog
- Adult Dog Food
- Alcott
- All For Paws
- Animology
- Anovet
- Anti-Itch
- Armitage
- automatic waterers
- Bags On Board
- Balls
- Beaphar
- Beco Pets
- Bed Crates & Outdoors
- Beds
- Beds Crates & Outdoors
- Bergan
- Billy & Margot
- Bird
- bird cage cleaning
- bird first aid
- bird-cage-cleaning
- Birds
- Bobby
- Bones & Chews
- Brand - JR Pet Products
- brand-2-hound-design
- brand-alcott
- brand-all-for-paws
- brand-animology
- brand-armitage
- brand-beaphar
- brand-beco-pets
- brand-bergan
- brand-bobby
- brand-carr-day-and-martin
- brand-chomper
- brand-coastal
- brand-dogit
- brand-earth-rated
- brand-earthbath
- brand-ecabiotec
- brand-forever-living
- brand-little-big-paw
- brand-mikki
- brand-mps-two
- brand-nerf
- brand-pet-remedy
- brand-petag
- brand-royal-canin
- brand-simple-solution
- brand-starbar
- brand-taste-of-the-wild
- brand-vetericyn
- brand-vets-best
- brand-whimzees
- brand-zeal
- breed-size-giant
- breed-size-large
- breed-size-medium
- breed-size-mini-and-small
- breed-size-small
- Bully
- Calibra
- calming
- Calming & Behaviour
- Calming & First Aid
- calming for cats
- calming for dogs
- Canagan
- care-type-anti-itch
- Carebeaphar
- carpet cleaners
- Cat
- cat bags
- Cat Beds & Carriers
- cat behaviour
- cat bowl
- cat bowls
- cat carriers
- Cat Coat Care
- Cat Collars & Tags
- cat crates
- cat dental care
- cat doors
- Cat Feeders & Bowls
- cat first aid
- Cat Food
- cat food accessories
- Cat Grooming & Health
- Cat Grooming Tools
- Cat Health
- Cat Health & Grooming
- Cat Health & Hygeine
- Cat Health Support
- Cat Healthcare
- Cat Litter Accessories
- Cat Shampoo
- cat tags
- cat toys
- Cat Treats
- cat-litter-tools
- Cats
- Chew Toys
- chomper
- Cleaning Supplies
- Cleansing
- Clothing & Shoes
- Coat & Skin Care
- Coat Care
- Collars
- Collars & Fashion
- Conditioner
- Cooling Accessories
- Cooling Toys
- Crates & Carriers
- Crates & Doors
- Dental
- Dental Care
- Dental Toys
- Dental Treats
- Diapers & Sanitary
- diapers & sanitary aids
- Dog
- dog bags
- Dog Beds
- Dog Behaviour
- Dog Behaviour Solutions
- Dog Bowl
- Dog Bowls
- Dog Bowls & Feeders
- Dog Calming
- dog carrier for travel
- dog carriers
- Dog Chews
- Dog Clothing
- Dog Coat Care
- Dog Collars
- dog cooling accessories
- dog crates
- Dog Dental Care
- dog dental treats
- dog diapers
- Dog Dry
- Dog Dry Food
- Dog Fashion
- dog first aid
- Dog Food
- Dog Food Dry
- dog harness
- dog harnesses
- Dog Health
- Dog Health Support
- Dog Healthcare
- Dog Healthcare & Grooming
- Dog Hygeine
- Dog Hygeine & Housing
- dog kennels
- Dog Leashes & Leads
- Dog Messes
- dog moist treats
- dog muzzles
- dog name tags
- dog obedience
- dog odour eliminators
- dog outdoors
- dog playpens
- dog sanitary
- Dog Shampoo
- dog shoes
- Dog Tags
- dog toys
- dog training
- dog travel
- Dog Treats
- Dog Wear
- Dog Wet Food
- dog-coat-care
- dog-ear-care
- dog-eye-care
- dog-iata-carriers
- dog-paw-care
- dog-training
- doggy travel
- Dogit
- Dogs
- Dpg Calming Solutions
- Dry Dog Food
- Dry Food Dog
- earth rated
- Earthbath
- Ecabiotec
- feeder & bowls
- Feeders & Bowls
- feeding accessories
- festive
- Fetch Toys
- First Aid
- Flea & Tick
- flea and tick for dogs
- flea treatment for dogs
- Flexi
- flight carrier for dogs
- for cat
- for cats
- for dog
- for dogs
- Forever Living
- Fragrance
- Fussy Eater
- Gates & Pet Doors
- Giant Dog
- GoodBoy
- GoodGirl
- Grain-Free
- grooming tools
- hair removers
- harness
- Harnesses
- Health Support
- Health Treats
- Healthcare & Grooming
- Healthy Treats
- High Visibility
- Hill's Pet
- house breaking
- Housebreaking
- Housebreaking Aids
- Hygeine & Housing
- Hypo-Allergenic
- IATA Approved
- iata approved carriers
- Insect Repellent
- Interactive Toys
- interative toys
- Joint Care & Mobility
- JR Pet Products
- JRPet Products
- Kitten
- Kitten Food
- Kitten Health
- Kitten Milk Replacer
- Large Dog
- Leashes
- Leashes & Leads
- life-stage-adult
- life-stage-mature
- life-stage-puppy
- lifestage-adult
- lifestage-newborn
- lifestage-puppy
- lifestage-weaning
- Lillidale
- Litter & Hygeine
- litter-deo
- Little Big Paw
- Mature Dog Food
- Medium Dog
- Mikki
- Milk & Milk Replacers
- Milk Replacers
- Mini & Small Dog
- Mobility
- Moist Cat Treats
- MPS2
- Nekton
- Nerf
- normal
- normal21
- Odour Eliminator
- Outdoor Accessories
- outdoor dog
- Paw Care
- Paws & Claws
- Pet Carriers
- pet doors
- Pet Remedy
- Pet Safe
- PetAg
- Pioneer Pet
- Plush Toys
- Pomeranian
- poo bag dispensers
- poo bags
- Poop Bags
- Prey
- Puppy
- Puppy Care
- Puppy Dry Food
- Puppy Food
- Puppy Health
- puppy housebreaking
- Puppy Milk Replacer
- Puppy Shampoo
- Puppy Toys
- puppy training
- puppy-coats
- Rabbit
- rabbit food
- Raised Dog Bowl
- raw diets
- Reflective
- reflective collar
- reptile
- reptile cleaning
- Reptiles
- retractable
- Retractable Leashes
- Rope Toys
- Royal Canin
- Safe4
- Sensitive Skin
- Sensitive Stomach
- Shampoo
- Shampoos
- Simple Solution
- slow-feeder
- Small Dog
- small pet
- small pet cage clean
- small pet care
- small pet clean
- small pet cleaning
- small pet first aid
- small pet grooming
- Small Pet Health
- small pet odours
- Small Pets
- small-cage-cleaning
- small-pet-odour-eliminators
- Special Digest Care
- Special Weight Management
- special-care-bone-and-joint
- special-care-digest-care
- special-care-ears-and-eyes
- special-care-fussy-eater
- special-care-mobility
- special-care-sensitive-skin
- special-care-sensitive-stomach
- special-care-weight-management
- specialist-care-calming
- Squeak Toys
- Squeaker Toys
- Stain Removers
- stain-removal
- standing bowl
- Starbar
- Supplements
- Tags
- Tangle Free Shampoo
- Taste of the Wild
- Tasty Bone
- Teaser Toys
- terranium cleaning
- terrarium cleaning
- Thrive
- Training & Behaviour
- training aids for dogs
- Travel
- Travel Bowl
- Travel Dog
- Travel Feeder
- travel-feeders
- Treat Dispenser
- Treat Dispensers
- Tribal Fresh Pressed
- Tug & Fetch
- Tug Toys
- type-
- type-all-dog-treats
- type-anti-itch
- type-automatic-waterers
- type-baked-treats
- type-balls
- type-beaphar
- type-beds
- type-beds-and-blankets
- type-behaviour-solutions
- type-biscuit-treats
- type-bling
- type-bone-and-joint
- type-bowls
- type-bully
- type-bully-and-bones
- type-calming
- type-carpet-cleaners
- type-carriers-and-crates
- type-cat-coat-care
- type-cat-dental-care
- type-cat-ear-care
- type-cat-eye-care
- type-cat-freeze-dried-treats
- type-cat-health
- type-cat-health-support
- type-cat-paw-care
- type-cat-shampoo
- type-cat-treats
- type-chew-toys
- type-chew-treats
- type-chews
- type-cleaning-supplies
- type-cleansing
- type-cleansing-wipes
- type-clothing
- type-coat-care
- type-collars
- type-conditioner
- type-conditioners
- type-cooling-accessories
- type-cooling-toys
- type-dental
- type-dental-care
- type-dental-toys
- type-dental-treats
- type-diapers
- type-dispenser-treats
- type-dog
- type-dog-beds
- type-dog-behaviour
- type-dog-behaviour-solutions
- type-dog-bowls
- type-dog-calming
- type-dog-clothing
- type-dog-collars
- type-dog-conditioner
- type-dog-dental-care
- type-dog-diapers
- type-dog-ear-care
- type-dog-eye-care
- type-dog-fashion
- type-dog-flea-and-tick
- type-dog-fragrance
- type-dog-harness
- type-dog-health
- type-dog-health-support
- type-dog-housing-products
- type-dog-leash
- type-dog-messes
- type-dog-moist-treats
- type-dog-outdoor-products
- type-dog-paw-care
- type-dog-shampoo
- type-dog-tags
- type-dog-training
- type-dog-travel-carrier
- type-dog-treats
- type-dog-vitamins
- type-dog-waterless-bath
- type-dog-wipes
- type-dry-food
- type-dry-shampoo
- type-ear-care
- type-ears-and-eyes
- type-eye-care
- type-eyes-and-ears
- type-fetch-toys
- type-first-aid
- type-flea-and-tick
- type-foams
- type-fragrance
- type-fragrances
- type-freeze-dried
- type-garden-sprays
- type-gate-accessories
- type-grain-free
- type-harness
- type-health-support
- type-health-treats
- type-healthy-treats
- type-high-visibility
- type-home-cleaners
- type-housebreaking
- type-hygeine-and-housing
- type-hypoallegenic
- type-hypoallergenic
- type-iata-approved
- type-insect-repellent
- type-insect-repellents
- type-interactive-toys
- type-joint-care
- type-joint-support
- type-kitten-health
- type-kitten-milk-replacer
- type-lead
- type-leash
- type-leashes
- type-leather
- type-luxurious
- type-milk-and-replacers
- type-milk-replacers
- type-moist-dog-treats
- type-nail-clippers
- type-obedience
- type-odour-eliminator
- type-odour-eliminator-dog
- type-outdoor-dog
- type-outdoor-products
- type-outdoors
- type-paw-care
- type-paws-and-claws
- type-pet-carriers
- type-pet-doors
- type-playpens
- type-plush-toys
- type-poo-bags
- type-puppy-food
- type-puppy-health
- type-puppy-milk-replacer
- type-puppy-milk-replacers
- type-puppy-shampoo
- type-puppy-toys
- type-rabbit-food
- type-rawhide-free
- type-real-meat
- type-real-meat-treats
- type-reflective
- type-retractable
- type-retractable-leashes
- type-rope-toys
- type-shampoo
- type-shampoos
- type-slow-feeders
- type-small-breed-dog
- type-small-pet-cleansers
- type-small-pet-first-aid
- type-small-pet-grooming
- type-squeak-toys
- type-squeaker-toys
- type-stain-removers
- type-supplements
- type-tangle-free
- type-teasers
- type-toy-breed-dog
- type-training-for-dogs
- type-travel
- type-travel-accessories
- type-travel-feeder
- type-treat-dispenser
- type-treat-dispensers
- type-treat-dispersers
- type-tug-toys
- type-vitamins
- type-waterless-bath
- type-weight-management
- type-wet-food
- type-wipes
- Vet's Best
- Vetericyn
- Vets Best
- Vitamins
- Weaning Puppy
- Weight Management
- Whimzees
- Zeal
- Ziwi Peak
- Ziwipeak
Royal Canin Breed Health - Cavalier King Charles Adult (1.5kg)
Regular price Dhs. 103.00 Save Dhs. -103.00Suitable for Cavalier King Charles dogs over 10 months old, ROYAL CANIN Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your adult dog in mind.
ROYAL CANIN Cavalier King Charles Adult contains nutrients that help support healthy cardiac function – such as an adapted content of minerals, EPA & DHA, taurine, L-Carnitine and antioxidants.
ROYAL CANIN Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Adult is specifically designed with precise levels of nutrients to help your dog maintain an optimum weight.
Beneath the long, soft and silky coat lies a skin which is sensitive, meaning it needs to be sufficiently cared for. That’s why ROYAL CANIN Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Adult provides nutrients that are tailored to help support a healthy skin and coat.
ROYAL CANIN Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Adult contains kibble that is exclusively designed to make it easier for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to pick up their food and chew it effectively.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Medium Adult 7+
Regular price Dhs. 153.50 Save Dhs. -153.50
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Giant Junior (15kg)
Regular price Dhs. 457.00 Save Dhs. -457.00Suitable for giant breeds (over 45 kg once adult) from 8 to 24 months of age. Growth is an essential stage in your dog’s life – it’s the time of big physical changes as well as new discoveries and encounters. During this key period particularly, your puppy’s diet is important in order to support optimal health as it grows and develops.
ROYAL CANIN Giant Junior contains a patented complex of specific antioxidants – including the highly beneficial vitamin E – to help support your puppy’s natural defences while they’re still developing. Thanks to a specifically adapted energy content, ROYAL CANIN® Giant Junior helps to support your puppy’s high growth rate during the second stage of growth.
What’s more, ROYAL CANIN Giant Junior also contributes to bone and joint support in giant breed puppies like yours; this is thanks to a balanced intake of energy and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

TRM Canigest Gel
Regular price Dhs. 100.00 Save Dhs. -100.00CANIGEST is a complementary feed for dogs and cats combining a Probiotic, Prebiotics, Glutamine, Kaolin and Pectin.
It is particularly suitable for feeding to dogs to assist in the nutritional management of digestive tract upsets. Stress and diet changes can affect the intestinal microflora of dogs and Probiotics can help to re-establish levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Probiotics may also improve health conditions in dogs exposed to stress and infections. Research has shown that Enterococcus Faecium is a useful nutritional agent in antidiarrheal therapy.
Instructions For Proper Use:
Feed CANIGEST directly into the mouth for up to 5 days or as directed by your veterinary surgeon. It can also be added to the feed.
- Puppies and Cats: Feed 1-2ml 2-3 times per day
- Adult Dogs: Feed 2-5ml 2-3 times per day.
Composition: Rapeseed Oil, Kaolin, Fructo Oligosaccharides, Mannan Oligosaccharides, Pectin, Glutamine, Enterococcus Faecium E1705: 6.6 X 1011 cfu per 1kg, 6.6 X 108 cfu per g, Roast meat flavouring.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Canine Care Maxi Light Weight Care (12kg)
Regular price Dhs. 383.50 Save Dhs. -383.50Suitable for all large dogs between 15 months-8 years old that have a tendency to gain weight.
A high protein content* (27%) helps maintain muscle mass and a low fat content helps limit weight gain. An optimal combination of soluble
and insoluble fibers helps him feel full, while omega-3 fatty acids help support healthy joint movement. Complete, delicious and hungersatisfying nutrition that keeps them lean and his joints healthy.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin SHN XS Adult 1.5kg
Regular price Dhs. 94.50 Save Dhs. -94.50Suitable for very small dogs over 10 months old that weigh up to 4kg, ROYAL CANIN X-Small Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your X-Small adult dog in mind.
ROYAL CANIN X-Small Adult contains very high quality protein (L.I.P.), specifically chosen for its easy digestibility. This protein, combined with a balanced intake of fibres like psyllium, helps to facilitate healthy intestinal transit.
In addition, ROYAL CANIN X-Small Adult helps to support a healthy urinary system in very small breeds of dogs like yours.
Enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), ROYAL CANIN X-Small Adult helps to support good coat condition. While the variety of vitamins included helps to strengthen your dog’s ‘skin barrier role’ – ultimately contributing to the maintenance of healthy skin.
The kibble in ROYAL CANIN X-Small Adult has been specially adapted to cater to this particular breed. Its shape, size, and texture is perfect for its miniature jaws.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Giant Adult (15kg)
Regular price Dhs. 427.00 Save Dhs. -427.00ROYAL CANIN Giant Adult is suitable for adult dogs that weight 45kg and over and is specially formulated with the nutritional needs of giant dogs like yours in mind. Because of your dog’s size, it’s important for it to receive beneficial nutrients that contribute to maintaining healthy bones and joints so it can effectively support its own body weight.
That’s why ROYAL CANIN Giant Adult food contains glucosamine and chondroitin to support your dog’s continued muscle, cartilage, and bone health. ROYAL CANIN Giant Adult food is formulated with an exclusive and balanced complex of antioxidants (such as vitamins A, E, and C) which help to neutralise the effects that free radicals that can have on your dog’s cells.
Amino acids such as taurine and L-Carnitine are also included in ROYAL CANIN Giant Adult food, they help to support your dog’s circulatory function and cardiac health.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Little Big Paw Naturally Delicious Turkey 390g
Regular price Dhs. 13.50 Save Dhs. -13.50This Naturally Delicious range is hypoallergenic, grain-free and HUGE on taste. Suitable for large breed dogs, small breed dogs and everything inbetween, the Little Big Paw Naturally Delicious Turkey is a gorgeous dog wet food containing Turkey with cranberries, brocolli and carrots in a rich herb gravy. Turkey is a very lean protein that is easily digestible and low in fat. The nutritious array of superfood vegetables like brocolli and carrots are full of fibre and gentle on tummies. Delicious cranberries are bursting with anti-oxidants that improve bladder health. Glucosamine and Chrondotin are added to promote healthy cartilage and keep joints supple and strong and the naturally nutritious herbs including kelp and rosemary help to improve overall health and well-being. With vitamin A, D, E and B Complex for a healthy immune system and strong teeth and bones. Size: 390g.
Ingredients: Turkey 50%, Broccoli 4%, Carrots 4%, Cranberries 4%, Vitamins and Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Dried Kelp, Dried Parsley, Dried Chicory Root, Mannanoligosaccharides (Prebiotic MOS), Dried Nettle, Green Tea, Dried Rosehip, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, Marigold.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Mini Adult
Regular price Dhs. 99.50 Save Dhs. -99.50Suitable for small dogs over 10 months old that weight up to 10kg, ROYAL CANIN Mini Adult is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of small dogs just like yours.
ROYAL CANIN Mini Adult food contains an adapted energy content to meet the energy needs of small dogs, it also includes L-Carnitine, a nutrient involved in supporting healthy fat metabolism.
This specially designed formula contains a variety of nutrients that help to support the health of your dog’s skin and coat. It’s enriched with vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) which help to keep your dog’s coat shiny and healthy.
ROYAL CANIN Mini Adult food is made with a selection of exclusive flavourings to make meal times extra satisfying and appealing for even the fussiest of dogs.
Be sure to follow the on pack feeding guidelines to ensure that your dog gets an accurate amount of food for optimal health.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Little Big Paw Naturally Delicious Chicken 390g
Regular price Dhs. 13.50 Save Dhs. -13.50This Naturally Delicious range is hypoallergenic, grain-free and HUGE on taste. Suitable for large breed dogs, small breed dogs and everything inbetween, the Little Big Paw Naturally Delicious Chicken is a gorgeous dog wet food containing British chicken with green beans, mixed peppers and sweet potato in a rich herb gravy. Chicken is a highly nutritious and easily digestable lean meat. The nutritious array of superfood vegetables like green beans and mixed peppers are full of fibre and gentle on tummies. Glucosamine and Chrondotin are added to promote healthy cartilage and keep joints supple and strong and the naturally nutritious herbs including kelp and rosemary help to improve overall health and well-being. With vitamin A, D, E and B Complex for a healthy immune system and strong teeth and bones. Size: 390g.
Ingredients: Chicken 50%, Green Beans 4%, Sweet Potato 4%, Vitamins and Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Dried Kelp, Dried Basil, Dried Chicory Root, Mannanoligosaccharides (Prebiotic MOS), Dried Nettle, Green Tea, Dried Rosehip, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, Marigold.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Jumbo Chicken Chewy Twists
Regular price Dhs. 32.50 Save Dhs. -32.50Super tasty chicken fillet around rawhide. GoodBoy Jumbo Chicken Chewy Twists are made with 100% human grade chicken breast meat that is delicately roasted in its own juices to make for a ridiculously tasty treat. These are the perfect complementary snack to add to your dogs well-balanced diet, these treats are low in fat - only 2% and high in protein. Whats more, the chewy texture of the GoodBoy Jumbo Chicken Chewy Twists rawhide centre makes these treats great for your dogs dental hygiene by providing a chew that can help reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss by helping to keep your dogs jaws strong and teeth clean. 100g packet.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Chewy Venison Steaks
Regular price Dhs. 32.50 Save Dhs. -32.50GoodBoy Chewy Venison Steaks are made from 100% natural and super delicious venison. Pure venison steaks that are high in protein and low in fat - only 3% AND Gluten-Free. GoodBoy Chewy Venison Steaks have absolutely no artificial colours and flavours, and only contain high quality 100% natural venison meat making these a scrumptious treat for dogs with sensitive stomach. Available in 80g packet.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Little Big Paw Variety Pack Dog Wet Food (6x390g)
Regular price Dhs. 73.50 Save Dhs. -73.50This Naturally Delicious range is hypoallergenic, grain-free and HUGE on taste. Suitable for large breed dogs, small breed dogs and everything in-between.
2x Chicken - 2x Turkey - 2x Duck
Turkey Composition: Turkey 50% (including 2.4% from 0.81% Turkey Meat Powder), Dried Fruit and Vegetables 1% (equivalent to 8% Broccoli, Carrots and Cranberries), Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Dried Kelp, Dried Parsley, Dried Chicory Root, Mannanoligosaccharides (Prebiotic MOS), Dried Nettle, Green Tea, Dried Rosehip, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, Marigold.
Duck Composition: Duck 50% (including 2% from 0.48% Duck Meat Powder), Dried Fruit and Vegetables 0.67% (equivalent to 8% Blueberries, Pumpkin and Courgette), Minerals, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Dried Kelp, Dried Rosemary, Dried Chicory Root, Mannanoligosaccharides (Prebiotic MOS), Dried Nettle, Green Tea, Dried Rosehip, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulphate, Marigold.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Calibra Dog Life Adult Small Breed Lamb
Regular price Dhs. 290.00 Save Dhs. -290.00Calibra Dog Life Adult Small Breed Lamb - superpremium complete dry food for small breed adult dogs (up to 10 kg) with a high lamb protein content. The recipe has a low grain content (only rice) and is hypoallergenic. It is made from high quality lamb protein, which makes up 80 % of the total protein content.
The added salmon oil for healthy skin and coat and prebiotics to care for digestion contribute to the dog’s vitality. In addition, a mix of vitamins and minerals helps support overall immunity. A smaller granule size reflects the specific needs of small breeds.
Salmon oil – a source of unsaturated omega-3 (EPA, DHA) fatty acids necessary to support the physiological functions of the skin and coat and to improve their quality. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Vitamins & Chelated minerals (highly utilizable organic forms of minerals) – for the proper function of the organism, prevention of illnesses, and strengthening of the immune system.
Fructo-oligosaccharides and mannan-oligosaccharides (FOS, MOS) are prebiotics that support intestinal microflora and the proper function of the digestive system and that strengthen the immune system.
β-glucans stimulate and support the immune system.
Lactobacillus acidophilus (inactivated) – has a paraprobiotic function and a positive effect on the immune system.
Composition: lamb protein (40 %), rice (28 %), poultry fat (11 %, preserved with tocopherols), brewer´s rice (10 %), apple pulp dried (3 %), yeasts, hydrolyzed chicken liver (2 %), salmon oil (2 %), prebiotics (mannan-oligosaccharides 120 mg/kg, β-glucans 100 mg/kg, fructo-oligosaccharides 70 mg/kg), dried rosemary & thyme (200 mg/kg), Mojave yucca (80 mg/kg), Lactobacillus acidophilus HA – 122 inactivated (15 × 109 cells/kg).
Analytical constituents: crude protein 27 %, crude fat 17 %, crude fibers 2,5 %, crude ash 7 %, moisture 9 %, calcium 1,6 %, phosphorus 1,2 %, sodium 0,4 %, magnesium 0,1 %, omega-3 fatty acid 0,5 %, omega-6 fatty acids 2 %
Protein of animal origin from total content of protein 80 %
Metabolizable Energy value 3 905 kcal/kg
Nutritional additives per 1 kg: vitamin A (3a672a) 16,500 I.U., vitamin D3 (E671) 1,650 I.U., vitamin E (3a700) 300 mg, vitamin C (3a312) 250 mg, vitamin B1 (3a820) 4.8 mg, vitamin B2 6 mg, niacinamide (3a315) 23 mg, calcium pantothenate (3a841) 12 mg, vitamin B6 (3a831) 4.8 mg, folic acid (3a316) 0.6 mg, vitamin B12 0.05 mg, biotin (3a880) 0.65 mg, choline chloride (3a890) 1,800 mg, organic zinc (3b606) 90 mg, organic iron (3b106) 75 mg, organic manganese (3b504) 30 mg, organic copper (3b406) 14 mg, iodine (3b201) 0.7 mg, organic selenium (3b810) 0.2 mg.
Contains EU approved natural antioxidants: tocopherol extracts from vegetable oil (1b306), ascorbyl palmitate (1b304) & rosemary extract.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Deli Bites Chicken
Regular price Dhs. 17.00 Save Dhs. -17.00GoodBoy Deli Bites Chicken are a ridiculously scrummy bitesize treat perfect for training, treat dispensers, puppies and small dogs. Made with 100% natural human grade meat and very low in fat content - only 1% fat. Contain no artificial nasties such as colours, flavours or sugars. Delicately oven baked to preserve the real flavour of the all-natural chicken breast.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Maxi Ageing 8+ (15kg)
Regular price Dhs. 478.50 Save Dhs. -478.50Your large dog’s overall health is going through many changes now that it has fully matured – and signs of ageing may be starting to show. Re-addressing your dog’s feeding regime is particularly important at this stage of its life because its diet needs to support its general health and fitness as it enters into its senior years. ROYAL CANIN® Maxi Ageing 8+ is suitable for adult dogs that weigh between 26kg- 44kg and is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your large dog in mind. Large dogs can tend to gain weight more easily at this age because they can be less active than they used to be and therefore they won’t burn off as much energy. That’s why it’s important to manage your large dog’s daily intake allowance effectively so that it can carry on ageing comfortably. This exclusive formula also includes very high quality proteins such as L.I.P, known for their high digestibility, as well as a balanced supply of dietary fibre to support colon health.
Key Features/Benefits:- Healthy ageing support
- Bone & joint support
- High digestability
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Whimzees Stix X-Small (48+8)
Regular price Dhs. 60.00 Save Dhs. -60.00Take your dogs dental care to new heights with these Whimzees Stix All Natural Daily Dental Treats for Small Dogs. WHIMZEES unique shapes help ensure proper blood flow through the gums and helps to prevent plaque build up, tartar formation and bad breath. WHIMZEES are limited to all-natural and super-functional ingredients and no artificial ingredients, colors, flavors, preservatives, GMOs, gluten, or meat. They’re also high in fiber and low in calories and sugars. We recommend one properly sized treat per day. Choose the correct treat size for your dog. Size Guide: Whimzees are NOT suitable for small dogs under the age of 9 months or weighing in at less than 2kg or 5 lbs. X-Small Whimzees are suitable for between 2-7 kg (5-15 lbs) in weight. Small Whimzees are suitable for dogs weighing 7-12 kg (15-25 lbs). Medium Whimzees can be fed to dogs between 12 and 18 kg (25-40 lbs). Large Whimzees are suitable for dogs 18-27 kg or 40-60 lbs. X-Large Whimzees are suitable for extra large and giant breeds above 27kg or 60 lbs. Ingredients: potato starch, glycerin, powdered cellulose, lecithin, yeast, mat extract, lupine meal, annato extract, alfalfa extract.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Tender Duck Fillets
Regular price Dhs. 32.50 Save Dhs. -32.50GoodBoy Tender Duck Fillets are made with 100% human-grade duck breast meat. They contain only 2% fat and have ZERO artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives or additives. A succulent and tasty treat for your dog that is super healthy too, really low in fat and made with 100% natural duck breast meat. Your dog is sure to love these treats. Duck breast is slow roasted in its own juices to lock in as much scrumtious flavour as possible. Caution: This product may not be suitable for puppies under the age of 4 months. 80g bag.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Mikki Pup-Pee Training Pads
Regular price Dhs. 121.00 Save Dhs. -121.00The Mikki Pup-Pee Pads have been designed with unique colour change technology which identifies when the pad needs to be replaced, making it easier to use. It is also scented with trainer attractant to help your puppy find the pad easily. The micro channels have moisture pockets and a triple layer of Super Absorbent Polymer for maximum absorbent protection. It also helps prevent leaking to protect floors and carpets. The pad has 4 sticky corners which are non-slip and help secure it in place, leaving your home mess-free. Mikki Pup-Pee Pads are also ideal protection for the car if your dog or puppy suffers from travel sickness or is a nervous traveller. The Mikki Pup-Pee Pads can be used with puppies that are too young to be taken outdoors at approximately 8 weeks old. Pad size: 22" x 23" or 55.9cm x 58.4cm
Training Tips: Choose a designated place to house train your puppy. It should always be accessible but away from his bed and food. Place the pad on the floor with the plastic side down and the tissue side up, using the adhesive strips to secure the pad to the floor. After meals, playtimes, and before or after sleeping, lead your puppy onto the pad so he begins to make an association with the pads location and scent. When your puppy uses the pad, use an associated word such as Wee-Wees exactly at the same time he is doing the action. Praise him enthusiastically with your voice or a treat after he has finished.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain Canine Recipe
Regular price Dhs. 115.00 Save Dhs. -115.00Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain Canine Recipe with Roasted Lamb. Pasture-raised roasted lamb and egg combine with sweet potatoes and peas to give dogs the energy they need for overall vitality with a flavor they will crave. Grain-free and highly digestible, this formula may be a good choice for dogs with food allergies or intolerances.
Species-Specific Probiotics - Healthy digestive and immune systems are vital to the overall health of your pet. Taste of the Wilds proprietary K9 Strain Probiotics are developed specifically for dogs and added after the cooking process to ensure viability. Each pound of Taste of the Wild provides 80 million live, active cultures that help support healthy digestive and immune systems.
DHA - This omega-3 fatty acid, provided by salmon oil, helps support brain and vision development in puppies, which makes it an important addition to this all life stages formula.
Dried Chicory Root - This source of prebiotic fiber provides fuel for the beneficial probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.
Antioxidants - Legumes and fruits, including peas, lentils, tomatoes, blueberries and raspberries, provide nutrients that help support your dog’s overall well-being, while guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E support the immune system.
Lamb, lamb meal, sweet potatoes, egg product, lentils, peas, pea flour, canola oil, potatoes, dried yeast, roasted lamb, tomato pomace, natural flavor, salmon oil (a source of DHA), salt, DL-methionine, choline chloride, taurine, dried chicory root, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, yucca schidigera extract, dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium animalis fermentation product, vitamin E supplement, iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, copper proteinate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), manganese proteinate, manganous oxide, ascorbic acid, vitamin A supplement, biotin, niacin, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), vitamin B12 supplement, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin D supplement, folic acid. Contains a source of live (viable), naturally occurring microorganisms.
Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain Canine Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for All Life Stages including growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste Of The Wild Pacific Stream Canine Formula (390g)
Regular price Dhs. 14.00 Save Dhs. -14.00Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Canine Formula with Salmon in Gravy is a great tasting complement to the dry Taste of the Wild formulas, the Pacific Stream Canine Formula with Salmon in Gravy will satisfy your pets taste for wet food. This complete and balanced formula can also be fed as your pet’s sole diet. Made with salmon, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Contains salmon, a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Sweet potatoes, blueberries and raspberries are great sources of antioxidants to help give your friend for a healthy lifestyle.
Ingredients: Whitefish, fish broth, turkey broth, water sufficient for processing, turkey, turkey liver, dried egg whites, salmon, dried ground peas, potatoes, peas, potato starch, guar gum, natural flavor, salt, pea protein, sodium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, inulin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, calcium carbonate, taurine, choline chloride, yucca schidigera extract, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin E supplement, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, sodium selenite, cobalt amino acid chelate, niacin supplement, d-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid.
Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Canine Formula With Salmon in Gravy is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and maintenance including growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Fillets
Regular price Dhs. 27.50 Save Dhs. -27.50GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Fillets are made with 100% chicken breast meat. They contain only 2% fat and have ZERO artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives or additives. A succulent and tasty treats that is super healthy too, really low in fat and made with 100% natural chicken breast meat. Your dog is sure to love these treats. A perfectly suitable complementary snack to add to your dogs well-balanced diet as a reward or lovable treat. Chicken breast is roasted in its own juices. Caution: This product may not be suitable for puppies under the age of 4 months. 80g bag.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Dried Tripe Packed 100g
Regular price Dhs. 20.00 Save Dhs. -20.00Packed with nutrients and rich in goodness, JR’s delicious dried tripe is the perfect snack or training treat for your dog. Not only is it 100% digestible, it’s also naturally healthy and low in fat.
Key Features:
High in protein
Air dried
Free of bacteria
Low in fat
Easy to digest
No additives
Size: 100g
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Pure Chicken Sticks
Regular price Dhs. 25.00 Save Dhs. -25.00JR’s 100% natural single source protein pure range chicken sticks for dogs are not only a delicious treat but they’re healthy too. Ideal for dogs of all breeds and sizes, they’re a great source of protein and are perfect for training. Suitable for all breeds, and for both raw and kibble-fed dogs. Does not contain any offal or bad ingredients, just premium cuts of human-grade meat. Great for dogs with allergies and suitable for puppies from 4 weeks and over. Grain and gluten free. Naturally low in fat. No additives or preservatives.
Package Size 50g
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Crunchy Chicken & Rice Bones
Regular price Dhs. 27.50 Save Dhs. -27.50GoodBoy Crunchy Chicken & Rice Bones are a healthy chewy treat formed in a bone shape - making them perfectly shaped for smaller dogs, but also a fantastic reward to give to larger breeds - especially in training. A perfect complementary snack that is made from 100% human-grade chicken breast, with only 2% fat content and free of colours, flavourants, preservatives and other additives. Whats more, the crunchy texture of these bone shaped treats makes them great for your dogs dental hygiene. Its simple really, all dogs like to chew, which can not only provide your dog with stimulation but more importantly it may help reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss by helping to keep your dogs jaws strong and teeth clean. 100g packet.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste Of The Wild Wetlands Canine Formula (390g)
Regular price Dhs. 14.00 Save Dhs. -14.00Taste of the Wild Wetlands Canine Formula with Fowl in Gravy. A great tasting complement to the dry Taste of the Wild formulas, the Wetlands Canine Formula with Fowl in Gravy will satisfy even the most finicky dogs. This complete and balanced formula can also be fed as your pet’s sole diet. Made with fowl, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Contains duck, quail and turkey for a blend of fowl that provides optimal amino acid nutrition. Supplemented with vegetables and fruits, this formula delivers antioxidants to help give your friend a healthy lifestyle.
Ingredients: Duck, duck broth, chicken broth, fish broth, chicken liver, chicken, dried egg whites, potatoes, peas, dried egg product, potato starch, roasted duck, roasted quail, smoked turkey, ocean fish, guar gum, natural flavor, sodium phosphate, salt, flaxseed oil, potassium chloride, inulin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, taurine, choline chloride, yucca schidigera extract, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, xanthan gum, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin E supplement, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, sodium selenite, cobalt amino acid chelate, niacin supplement, d-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid.
Taste of the Wild Wetlands Canine Formula With Fowl in Gravy is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and maintenance including growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Breed Health - Dachshund Adult (1.5kg)
Regular price Dhs. 106.00 Save Dhs. -106.00Suitable for Dachshunds over 10 months old, ROYAL CANIN Dachshund Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your adult dog in mind to help maintain its good health and wellbeing.
ROYAL CANIN Dachshund Adult contributes to supporting the Dachshund’s bones and joints, thanks to an adapted calcium and phosphorus content. This exclusive formula also helps your dog maintain good muscle tone and an ideal weight.
ROYAL CANIN Dachshund Adult also helps to reduce the smell and volume of your dog’s faecal matter.
The unique kibble in ROYAL CANIN Dachshund Adult is tailor-made to help reduce tartar formation, thanks to the inclusion of calcium chelators.
To cater to each dog’s individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN Dachshund Adult is also available as wet food in a soft and tasty loaf.
If you’re considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your dog gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Venison Tendons (125g)
Regular price Dhs. 47.25 Save Dhs. -47.25Zeal Venison Tendons are a high protein, low fat chew treat suitable for dogs of all sizes and life stage. Comprised of whole lengths venison tendons from 100% free range deer in New Zealand, these are a hard chew, long-lasting chew that is high in natural sodium. No vaccines, no steroids (HGP), no colouring, no preservatives, no additives. Gluten free. Low allergen. Size - 125g bag.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Dried Beef Fillets
Regular price Dhs. 58.00 Save Dhs. -58.00Zeal Free Range Naturals Dried Beef Fillets are made from 100% pure natural New Zealand beef. Choose these as a high protein and low fat treat, suitable for dogs of all sizes! Tasty and tender, these healthy low-calorie treats are low in cholesterol and fat, and good for weight watching.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Strips - 100g
Regular price Dhs. 29.50 Save Dhs. -29.50GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Strips are made with 100% natural chicken breast that is sure to get your dogs tail wagging. You can easily break the GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Strips into smaller pieces for scrummy bitesize treats or feed the strips whole for a delightfully nutritious meaty treat. Made with 100% natural human-grade chicken breast meat. Gluten, wheat and cereal-free and contains no artificial flavourings, colours or any other additives. Just pure natural meaty goodness. Available in 100g packet or 350g value pack for even more delicious goodness for your pooch.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Enviro-friendly Degradable Poop Bags - Unscented
Regular price Dhs. 19.00 Save Dhs. -19.00Beco Bags make cleaning up after your pet as eco-friendly as possible thanks to the degradable material these bags are made from. As well as being great for the environment, Enviro-friendly Poop Bags - Unscented are also designed with function in mind, so they are made that extra bit bigger and thicker to help avoid any nasty accidents. Extra large and extra thick, they cater for almost all poop sizes and will break down once disposed of. Beco Bags have a recycled cardboard core and fit all standard bag dispensers.
Bag size: 33 x 22.5cm and there are 15 bags per roll. Comes in packs of 60 bag (15 bags per roll / 4 rolls in the box) or 120 bags (15 bags per roll / 8 rolls in the box).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Veal Rib Racks
Regular price Dhs. 41.00 Save Dhs. -41.00A wholesome rack of individual meaty veal ribs, rich in red bone marrow and with easily digested soft bones. These protein-packed Zeal Veal Rib Racks are great for your dogs dental hygeine as they promote chewing that helps prevent plaque and tartar build up a natural dental floss. These rib racks come from 100% natural free range veal that is free from vaccines, steroids (HGP), colouring, preservatives and additives. Being 100% natural veal - these treats are also gluten free and low allergen. They are also low in fat for those dogs watching their figures. Recommended for medium and large dogs of all life stages. Size - 150g bag.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste Of The Wild Southwest Canyon Canine Formula (390g)
Regular price Dhs. 14.00 Save Dhs. -14.00Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon Canine Formula with Beef in Gravy. A great tasting complement to the dry Taste of the Wild formulas, the Southwest Canyon Canine Formula Stew will satisfy even the most finicky dogs. This complete and balanced formula can also be fed as your pet’s sole diet. Made with wild boar, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Contains peas, a great source of highly digestible energy. Supplemented with vegetables and fruits, this formula delivers antioxidants to help give your friend a healthy lifestyle.
Beef, beef broth, lamb broth, vegetable broth, beef liver, dried egg whites, peas, dried egg product, lamb, potato starch, wild boar, guar gum, sunflower oil, chickpeas, natural flavor, tricalcium phosphate, sodium phosphate, salt, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, inulin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, taurine, choline chloride, flaxseed oil, yucca schidigera extract, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, menhaden fish oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), xanthan gum, vitamin E supplement, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, sodium selenite, thiamine mononitrate, cobalt amino acid chelate, niacin supplement, d-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid.
Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon Canine Formula With Beef in Gravy is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and maintenance including growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste of the Wild Wetlands Canine Recipe
Regular price Dhs. 115.00 Save Dhs. -115.00Taste of the Wild Wetlands Canine Recipe with Roasted Fowl. With 32% protein, this formula is packed with highly digestible energy from roasted duck, roasted quail and smoked turkey, along with nutrient-packed vegetables, legumes and fruits. This unique combination of fowl gives dogs the taste of wild game they can’t resist with the balanced nutrition nature intended.
Species-Specific Probiotics - Healthy digestive and immune systems are vital to the overall health of your pet. Taste of the Wilds proprietary K9 Strain Probiotics are developed specifically for dogs and added after the cooking process to ensure viability. Each pound of Taste of the Wild provides 80 million live, active cultures that help support healthy digestive and immune systems.
Ideal For Adult Dogs - This recipe is specifically designed to provide complete nutrition and help maintain the sleek condition of good health for your adult dog.
Dried Chicory Root - This source of prebiotic fiber provides fuel for the beneficial probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.
Antioxidants - Legumes and fruits, including peas, lentils, tomatoes, blueberries and raspberries, provide nutrients that help support your dog’s overall well-being, while guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E support the immune system.
Ingredients: Duck, duck meal, chicken meal, sweet potatoes, peas, potatoes, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols), egg product, natural flavor, ocean fish meal, potato protein, roasted quail, roasted duck, smoked turkey, tomato pomace, salt, choline chloride, taurine, dried chicory root, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, yucca schidigera extract, dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium animalis fermentation product, vitamin E supplement, iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, copper proteinate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), manganese proteinate, manganous oxide, ascorbic acid, vitamin A supplement, biotin, niacin, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), vitamin B12 supplement, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin D supplement, folic acid. Contains a source of live (viable), naturally occurring microorganisms.
Taste of the Wild Wetlands Canine Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste Of The Wild Pine Forest Canine Recipe
Regular price Dhs. 115.00 Save Dhs. -115.00Taste of the Wild Pine Forest Canine Recipe with pasture-raised venison and legumes. Venison is a highly digestible protein, providing your dog with lots of energy and that wild game flavor. Probiotics and prebiotic fiber help support healthy digestion, while the perfect balance of omega fatty acids, legumes, fruits and protein sources make this a well-rounded, nutrient-packed formula your dog will thrive on.
Species-Specific Probiotics - Healthy digestive and immune systems are vital to the overall health of your pet. Taste of the Wilds proprietary K9 Strain Probiotics are developed specifically for dogs and added after the cooking process to ensure viability. Each pound of Taste of the Wild provides 80 million live, active cultures that help support healthy digestive and immune systems.
Legumes - These nutrient-dense ingredients, including garbanzo beans, peas, lentils and fava beans, are excellent sources of protein, fiber and carbohydrates.
DHA - This omega-3 fatty acid, provided by salmon oil, helps support brain and vision development in puppies, which makes it an important addition to this all life stages formula.
Dried Chicory Root - This source of prebiotic fiber provides fuel for the beneficial probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.
Antioxidants – Legumes and fruits, including peas, lentils, tomatoes, blueberries and raspberries, provide nutrients that help support your dog’s overall well-being, while guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E support the immune system.
Ingredients: Venison, lamb meal, garbanzo beans, peas, lentils, pea protein, pea flour, egg product, canola oil, fava beans, tomato pomace, natural flavor, ocean fish meal, salmon oil (a source of DHA), salt, DL-methionine, choline chloride, taurine, dried chicory root, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, yucca schidigera extract, dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium animalis fermentation product, vitamin E supplement, iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, copper proteinate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), manganese proteinate, manganous oxide, ascorbic acid, vitamin A supplement, biotin, niacin, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), vitamin B12 supplement, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin D supplement, folic acid. Contains a source of live (viable), naturally occurring microorganisms.
Taste of the Wild Pine Forest Canine Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for All Life Stages including growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Chewy Duck Twists
Regular price Dhs. 32.50 Save Dhs. -32.50GoodBoy Chewy Duck Twists are made with 100% natural human-grade duck breast that is wrapped around a chewy rawhide centre for some serious tail wagging goodness. Free from all the nasties: wheat, gluten, cereal and artificial flavours and colours. The duck breast are roasted to perfection in their own juices for ultimate flavour. The chewy texture of the rawhide centre makes these tasty treats great for your dogs dental hygiene. Encourage chewing with these GoodBoy Chewy Duck Twists. Chewing can not only provide your dog with stimulation but more importantly it may help reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss by helping to keep your dogs jaws strong and teeth clean. Available in 100g packet.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Canine Care Light Weight Care Wet Food Pouches (12x85g)
Regular price Dhs. 89.50 Save Dhs. -89.50Royal Canin Light Weight Care Adult Dog Wet food For dogs with tendency to weight gain. Helps achieve and maintain optimal weight by reducing the fat content.
For dogs with tendency to gain weight. Health complications can be associated with excess body weight. If your dog has a tendency to gain weight, you can help him stay trim and feel well fed.
Canine Care Nutrition programme Providing a healthy & balanced nutrition with the perfect combination of our dry & wet formulas.
Composition: meat and animal derivatives, derivatives of vegetable origin, cereals, minerals, various sugars.
ADDITIVES (per kg)
Additives (per kg): Nutritional additives: Vitamin D3: 130 IU, E1 (Iron): 6 mg, E2 (Iodine): 0.3 mg, E4 (Copper): 2.7 mg, E5 (Manganese): 1.7 mg, E6 (Zinc): 17 mg - Technological additives: Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin: 2.0 g.
Analytical constituants: Protein: 8.7% - Fat content: 2.3% - Crude ash: 1.7% - Crude fibres: 1.7% - Moisture: 81.0%.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Pure Beef Sticks
Regular price Dhs. 25.00 Save Dhs. -25.00JR’s 100% natural single source protein pure range beef sticks for dogs are not only a delicious treat but they’re healthy too. Ideal for dogs of all breeds and sizes, they’re a great source of protein and are perfect for training. Suitable for all breeds, and for both raw and kibble-fed dogs. Does not contain any offal or bad ingredients, just premium cuts of human-grade meat. Great for dogs with allergies and suitable for puppies from 4 weeks and over. Grain and gluten free. Naturally low in fat. No additives or preservatives.
Package Size 50g
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

All For Paws Cuddle Ropey Flopper Sheep
Regular price Dhs. 38.00 Save Dhs. -38.00Your dog is going to love this combination toy. The All For Paws Cuddle Ropey Flopper Sheep is a longer toy ideal for carrying around and playing tug. The long arms and legs have built in rope while the body features soft faux suede and lambsplush - all providing fantastic tactile impression. The toy also features an inner squeaker to attract the dog and entice play. The knotted ropes are also excellent for your dogs dental health. Measuring in at approx: L 43.0 x W 16.0 x H 6.5 centimeters.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Meaty Free-Range Spare Ribs
Regular price Dhs. 61.00 Save Dhs. -61.00Frightfully delicious - these Zeal Meaty Free-Range Spare Ribs are a treat your dog will go crazy for. Full of succulent meat and red marrow with soft bones from very young calves, these treats make a delicious, healthy and enjoyable chew treat for your dog. Sourced from 100% free range veal from New Zealand these spare ribs have no vaccines, no steroids (HGP), no colouring, no preservatives, no additives. They are gluten free and low allergen, high protein and low fat for the weight conscious pooch.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Simple Solution Puppy Training Pads
Regular price Dhs. 62.00 Save Dhs. -62.00Simple Solution 6-Layer Dog Training Pads meaure 23 x 24 inches (58 x 60 cm), with a 6-layer construction that traps more urine for repeat use with small dogs, and great for large dogs. These training pads contain InstaShield Technology, developed to contain even more liquid, 6 cups worth, while neutralizing unpleasant odors. The 3-in-1 attractant works in a systematic way to entice your dog to approach the pad, engage with the pad, and finally (and more importantly to you!) encourage your dog to use the pad–and not your floor. The Wetness Indicator turns teal to let you know that your furbaby has successfully used the pad. Available in bags with 14 pads, 30 pads, 56 pads and 100 pads.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Tender Beef Fillets
Regular price Dhs. 32.50 Save Dhs. -32.50Made with 100% natural beef fillet, these GoodBoy Tender Beef Fillets are high in protein but low in fat - they contain just 2% fat and have ZERO artificial colours, flavourings, preservatives or additives. A succulent and tasty treats that is super healthy too. Your dog is sure to love these treats. A perfectly suitable complementary snack to add to your dogs well-balanced diet as a reward or lovable treat. 90g bag.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Medium Adult
Regular price Dhs. 147.00 Save Dhs. -147.00At 12 months, your Medium sized dog has now become an adult in terms of its physical growth. Good nutrition during this life stage is still as essential as it was when your dog was growing. Ensuring that your dog’s diet provides the right nutrients in the right levels is key to supporting and maintaining good health. ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult is specially formulated with the nutritional needs of your medium-sized adult dog in mind and is suitable for dogs aged 1-7 years that weigh between 11kg-25kg. ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult contains an exclusive antioxidant complex, as well as nutrients like manno-oligo-saccharides, to help support your dog’s natural defences, allowing it to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to an exclusive formula which includes very high quality protein, ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult also helps to support optimal digestibility, this allows your dog to effectively absorb nutrients. What’s more, the balanced supply of dietary fibre further supports healthy digestibility for your dog. ROYAL CANIN® Medium Adult is also enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, like EPA and DHA, to help maintain your dog’s healthy skin and coat condition.
Key Features/Benefits:- Natural defences
- High digestibility
- Omega-3: EPA & DHA
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Nerf Dog Tire Squeak Ball
Regular price Dhs. 30.00 Save Dhs. -30.00The Nerf Dog Tire Squeak Ball will entertain your dog for hours on end, this durable ball comes in two sizes - Small meaures 6.35cm is suitable small-medium sized dogs, and medium meaures 7.6cm for medium to large size dogs. The durable rubber body stands up to extended chewing and makes an interactive squeaking sound that dogs love. Plus it has a ultra-grip tire tread texture that makes it easier to grip for both of you. Great for toss and fetch, or solo play sessions. NERF DOG toys include optimized design and function by introducing special materials for improved durability and performance.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Nerf Dog Tire Feeder
Regular price Dhs. 19.00 Save Dhs. -19.00The Nerf Tire Feeder is a tough and durable combination chew toy and treat dispenser. Simply fill with your dogs favorite treats or kibble, and watch as he tackles the challenge of getting the kibble or treats out of the tire. The NERF DOG tire feeder is one molded piece of durable rubber, making it extra strong, so it will stand up to extended and aggressive chewing. The textured ridges make it great for toss and fetch games too. Not recommended for small dogs, but three sizes are available to suit medium to extra-large size dogs. NERF DOG toys include optimized design and function by introducing special materials for improved durability and performance. Please note: the colour of this toy may vary (between - blue, green and red) if you have a colour preference, please state it in the order notes.
Small - 5 x 10 x 7cm (2 x 4 x 2.75 inches)
Medium - 5 x 10 x 9cm (2 x 4 x 3.5 inches)
Large - 10 x 5 x 10 (4 x 2 x 4 inches)
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Lactose-Free Pet Milk
Regular price Dhs. 26.25 Save Dhs. -26.25Zeal Lactose-Free Pet Milk is specifically formulated for puppies, kittens, adult dogs and adult cats. Made from lactose-free New Zealand cows milk, this milk is easy to digest while maintaining all the natural goodness and taste of natural cows milk. New Zealand produces clean and fresh milk and we want your pets to enjoy the flavour and nutrients in our pet milk range. Zeal Pet Milk comes in 380mL and 1L bottles. The recommended daily intake for your pets: Puppy (up to 500g) - 140ml | Puppy (up to 1kg) - 250ml | Small Dog (0-5kg) below 80ml | Medium Dog (5-10kg) 75ml-130ml | Large Dog (25-40kg) approx 260ml | Kittens (50ml-100ml) | Mature Cats (100ml-150ml).
Ingredients: Whole Milk (Fresh), Vegetable Oil (Sunflower), Taurine, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Free Range Naturals Chewies
Regular price Dhs. 41.00 Save Dhs. -41.00Short of organic, these Zeal Free Range Naturals Chewies are 100% natural veal tendons make for an enjoyable hard chew for your dog. High in protein and low in fat, they are good for pooches who are watching their calories! With natural sodium and potassium content, NO colourings, flavourants, addtives or preservatives. The Zeal range of pure natural pet treats are wholesome, trusthworthy and traceable to the source.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Beaphar Plaque Away Mouth Wash (250ml)
Regular price Dhs. 49.50 Save Dhs. -49.50Beaphar Mouth Wash, also known as Beaphar Plaque Away can be added to your pets drinking water to counteract bad breath. Bacteria and food particles cause palque to form on teeth, causing tooth and gum decay, leading to bad breath. Beaphar Mouth Wash contains enzymes that fight bad bacteria and reduce the formation of plaque. To use: Add 10 ml of Beaphar Mouth Wash to 1000 ml of the dog's drinking water daily. It is possible to add more Mouth Wash at the same rate every time the drinking water is refreshed (at least every 24 hours).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Twists - 90g
Regular price Dhs. 28.50 Save Dhs. -28.50GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Twists are made with 100% natural chicken breast that is wrapped around a chewy rawhide centre for some serious tail wagging goodness. Made with 100% chicken breast meat containing only 2% fat and free from wheat, gluten and cereal. The chicken breast strips are roasted in their own juices for extra super flavour, combined with the chewy texture of the rawhide centre makes these tasty treats great for your dogs dental hygiene. Encourage chewing with these GoodBoy Chewy Chicken Twists. Chewing can not only provide your dog with stimulation but more importantly it may help reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss by helping to keep your dogs jaws strong and teeth clean. Available in 90g packet or 320g value pack.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Breed Health - Westie Adult (3kg)
Regular price Dhs. 178.50 Save Dhs. -178.50Suitable for West Highland White Terriers over 10 months old, ROYAL CANIN West Highland White Terrier Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your adult dog in mind.
Your “Westie’s” distinctive and coarse white coat needs special care to help preserve the quality of its hair and maintain good skin health.
That’s why ROYAL CANIN West Highland White Terrier Adult contains a specific complex of nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) to help maintain the health of your Westie’s skin and coat.
ROYAL CANIN West Highland White Terrier Adult also contains specific amino acids for hair growth support and fatty acids from borage oil and flax seeds for further skin nourishment.
Thanks to the inclusion of calcium chelators, the kibble in ROYAL CANIN West Highland White Terrier Adult helps slow down tartar formation and build-up.
What’s more, ROYAL CANIN West Highland White Terrier Adult also helps to satisfy even the fussiest of appetites, thanks to a specially adapted combination of exceptional flavours for increased palatability.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Canagan Scottish Salmon for Dogs (12kg)
Regular price Dhs. 465.00 Save Dhs. -465.00With Herring and Trout, the Canagan Scottish Salmon is a carefully balanced grain free food with an array of specially selected fish. Our freshly prepared deboned Scottish Salmon is produced to an equivalent human food standard and this wonderful food is further boosted with the inclusion of herring, trout and white fish. With reduced carbohydrate levels, and a host of beneficial botanicals Canagan Scottish Salmon provides your companions with a unique blend of super protein availability.
Canagan is a special grain free dog food formulated by our experts to deliver nutrition, close to their ancestral diet, with the correct ratio of protein to carbohydrate and a host of vegetables and botanicals. This carefully balanced, nutrient dense formula will excite your dog's taste buds and give them the abundance of highly digestible protein demanded by their evolutionary needs.
DEBONED SCOTTISH SALMON - Our salmon is sourced from the Scottish highlands. A delicious source of easily digestible protein, Omega-3, vitamin D and selenium.
SWEET POTATO - A highly digestible premium source of slow-release energy, rich in anti-oxidants and a great source of soluble fibre
SEAWEED - Provides a natural and valuable source of minerals which contain iodine to support thyroid function and control metabolism.
MARIGOLD, CRANBERRY AND CAMOMILE - Marigold stimulates white blood cell production and strengthens the immune system. Cranberry is rich in Vitamin C and helps promote a healthy urinary tract. Camomile is thought to reduce stress.
COMPOSITION: Freshly Prepared Deboned Scottish Salmon (26%), Sweet Potato, Dried Scottish Salmon (10%), Dried Herring (8%), Peas, Potato, Dried White Fish (5.5%), Salmon Oil (5%), Freshly Prepared Trout (4%), Alfalfa, Sunflower Oil, Salmon Gravy (1.5 %), Pea Protein, Minerals, Vitamins, Apple, Carrot, Spinach, Seaweed, Fructooligosaccharides, Psyllium, Camomile, Peppermint, Marigold, Cranberry, Aniseed & Fenugreek.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Pure Lamb Training Treats
Regular price Dhs. 35.00 Save Dhs. -35.00Naturally healthy and totally irresistible, these training treats are very popular thanks to the fact they are all 100% pure meat. JR’s pure training treats come in handy bite size pieces and are perfect for any size dog. This award winning Pure Range of treats is made from the finest cuts of 100% fresh human-grade meat. Grain and gluten free, no additives, no preservatives. These delicious training treats are suitable for all breeds and both kibble and raw-fed dogs can enjoy the benefits of these treats.
Package Size: 85g
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Pure Goat Sticks
Regular price Dhs. 25.00 Save Dhs. -25.00JR’s 100% natural single source protein pure range goat sticks for dogs are not only a delicious treat but they’re healthy too. Ideal for dogs of all breeds and sizes, they’re a great source of protein and are perfect for training. Suitable for all breeds, and for both raw and kibble-fed dogs. Does not contain any offal or bad ingredients, just premium cuts of human-grade meat. Great for dogs with allergies and suitable for puppies from 4 weeks and over. Grain and gluten free. Naturally low in fat. No additives or preservatives.
Package Size 50g
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste Of The Wild Sierra Mountain Canine Formula (390g)
Regular price Dhs. 14.00 Save Dhs. -14.00Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain Canine Formula with Lamb in Gravy. A great tasting complement to the dry Taste of the Wild formulas, the Sierra Mountain Canine Formula with Lamb in Gravy will satisfy even the most finicky dogs. This complete and balanced formula can also be fed as your pet’s sole diet. Made with lamb, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Contains sweet potatoes and peas, great sources of highly digestible energy. Supplemented with vegetables and fruits, this formula delivers antioxidants to help give your friend a healthy lifestyle.
Lamb, lamb broth, beef broth, vegetable broth, lamb liver, dried egg whites, potatoes, peas, dried egg product, roasted lamb, potato starch, guar gum, natural flavor, sunflower oil, tricalcium phosphate, sodium phosphate, salt, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, inulin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, taurine, choline chloride, yucca schidigera extract, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, menhaden fish oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), xanthan gum, vitamin E supplement, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, sodium selenite, thiamine mononitrate, cobalt amino acid chelate, niacin supplement, d-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid.
Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain Canine Formula With Lamb in Gravy is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and maintenance except for growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

PREY Angus Beef (Limited Ingredient Formula) for Dogs
Regular price Dhs. 175.00 Save Dhs. -175.00Taste of the Wild PREY Angus Beef Limited Ingredient Formula for Dogs is a simplified formula made with non-GMO ingredients. Limited ingredient diets more closely resemble the diet that nature intended for your pet and may be easier for some dogs to digest. PREY Angus Beef Formula for Dogs features pasture-raised Angus beef as the first of just four key ingredients. Despite having limited ingredients, your dog will not miss out on flavor or nutrition. Guaranteed probiotics help support digestion, while precise levels of vitamins and minerals, guaranteed antioxidants, omega fatty acids and DHA help ensure your dog gets the complete nutrition he or she needs, all with the rich, red-meat taste of beef dogs crave.
ANGUS BEEF - Pasture-raised beef is the #1 ingredient. No rendered meats or by-product meals.
LENTILS - A superfood packed with protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and essential nutrients.
TOMATO POMACE - Excellent source of soluble fiber and antioxidants.
SUNFLOWER OIL - The healthy fat is rich in omega fatty acids.
Taste of the Wild PREY Angus Beef Formula for Dogs is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for All Life Stages, including growth of large size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult).
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Canine Recipe
Regular price Dhs. 115.00 Save Dhs. -115.00Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Canine Recipe with Smoked Salmon. This egg-free recipe gets all its animal protein from fish, meaning that it’s rich in the omega fatty acids that help keep skin healthy and fur smooth and shiny, and may be a good option for dogs with food sensitivities. The sustainably sourced, smoked salmon taste will satisfy any dog’s inner-wolf while meticulously selected ingredients provide the ideal nutrient levels for the overall health and vitality of adult dogs.
Species-Specific Probiotics - Healthy digestive and immune systems are vital to the overall health of your pet. Taste of the Wilds proprietary K9 Strain Probiotics are developed specifically for dogs and added after the cooking process to ensure viability. Each pound of Taste of the Wild provides 80 million live, active cultures that help support healthy digestive and immune systems.
Ideal For Adult Dogs - This recipe is specifically designed to provide complete nutrition and help maintain the sleek condition of good health for your adult dog.
Dried Chicory Root - This source of prebiotic fiber provides fuel for the beneficial probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.
Antioxidants - Vegetables, legumes and fruits, including sweet potatoes, peas, tomatoes, blueberries and raspberries, provide nutrients that help support your dog’s overall well-being, while guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E support the immune system.
Ingredients: Salmon, ocean fish meal, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peas, canola oil, lentils, salmon meal, smoked salmon, potato fiber, natural flavor, salt, choline chloride, taurine, dried chicory root, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, yucca schidigera extract, dried Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation product, dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium animalis fermentation product, vitamin E supplement, iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, copper proteinate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), manganese proteinate, manganous oxide, ascorbic acid, vitamin A supplement, biotin, niacin, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), vitamin B12 supplement, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin D supplement, folic acid. Contains a source of live (viable), naturally occurring microorganisms.
Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Canine Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Deli Bites Beef
Regular price Dhs. 18.00 Save Dhs. -18.00Made with 100% natural human grade beef that is high in protein and only 2.5% fat content. These GoodBoy Deli Bites Beef contain no artificial nasties such as colours, flavours or sugars. The make for the perfect bitesize treat whether you are training your pet or would like to put into treat dispensers. Delicately oven baked to preserve the real flavour. Also suitable for puppies.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Deli Bites Duck
Regular price Dhs. 17.00 Save Dhs. -17.00The bite-size of these GoodBoy Deli Bites Duck make them an ideal treat for puppies, small dogs or for general training. Made with 100% natural human grade meat that is delicately roasted and oven baked to preserve great real flavour. Contain no artificial nasties such as colours, flavours or sugars.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin SHN XS Puppy 1.5kg
Regular price Dhs. 103.00 Save Dhs. -103.00Suitable for puppies of extra small breeds aged 2 - 10 months old. Extra small breeds are typically characterised as adult dogs that weigh under 4kg. Small dogs typically live longer than larger dogs, but they also reach adulthood sooner. This means your small puppy needs the right energy content to help support its immune system – this develops gradually even though its body grows rapidly.
ROYAL CANIN X-Small Puppy is specially formulated with the needs of your small puppy in mind. It provides a balanced intake of fibres to help facilitate intestinal transit and contribute to good stool quality. It’s also designed to meet the energy needs of very small breed puppies during the growth period.
ROYAL CANIN X-Small Puppy contains a specially selected complex of antioxidants to support your puppy’s immune system. These antioxidants include vitamin E; to help support its natural defences and maintain healthy skin.
The crunchy and tasty small-sized kibble has been accurately developed to adapt to the miniature jaws of extra small dogs. Its exclusive formula also satisfies fussy appetites that are often associated with very small breeds of dog.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

GoodBoy Chewy Chicken with Carrot Sticks
Regular price Dhs. 26.00 Save Dhs. -26.00This Chewy Chicken with Carrot Sticks are made with super duper tasty 100% natural chicken breast meat so are sure to become one of your dog’s favourite treats. Lovingly packed in a handy, re-sealable bag, as well as being lip smackingly tasty they are full of natural goodness too as they are;
- Made with 100% natural human grade chicken breast meat.
- Rawhide free.
- Contains no artificial nasties such as colours, flavours or preservatives.
- Delicately roasted to perfection to preserve the real flavour of the chicken.
- Only 1% fat.
- Super treat for dogs of all shapes and sizes
What’s more, the chewy texture makes these tasty treats great treat for your dog’s dental hygiene. Its simple really, all dogs like to chew – it’s a natural instinct. Chewing can not only provide your dog with stimulation but more importantly it may help reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss by helping keep your dog’s jaws strong and teeth clean.
What’s not to love?
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Canine Care Medium Light Weight Care
Regular price Dhs. 136.00 Save Dhs. -136.00and insoluble fibers helps him feel full, while omega-3 fatty acids help support healthy joint movement. Complete, delicious and hungersatisfying nutrition that keeps him lean and his joints healthy.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

YuMOVE Joint Care for Adult Dogs
Regular price Dhs. 142.00 Save Dhs. -142.00YuMOVE Joint Care for Adult Dogs by YuMOVE: The UK's no.1 veterinary joint supplement brand.
- Recommended by vets
- Ideal for adult dogs from 4 years old
- Helps soothe stiff joints and support mobility
YuMOVE Joint Care for Adult Dogs is our original triple-action dog joint formulation, recommended for adult dogs who are beginning to show signs of joint stiffness. YuMOVE Joint Care for Adult Dogs provides a special blend of Omega-3s to help soothe stiff joints and aid mobility. This dog joint supplement is a tasty tablet that you feed daily, available in 60, 120 or 300 tablets. Already supporting over 2 million dogs globally.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Lamb Sticks for Dogs
Regular price Dhs. 40.95 Save Dhs. -40.95A healthy meaty chew that will have your dog begging for more. Zeal Lamb Sticks for Dogs are 100% pure natural slow oven dried New Zealand Lamb meat strips. Crafted for your special canine companion, these lamb strips are high in protein and low in fat, and are suitable for dogs of all sizes. 125g bag of pure lamb goodness.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Beaphar Quick Clean for Dogs
Regular price Dhs. 53.50 Save Dhs. -53.50Beaphar Quick Clean for Dogs is an easy to use spray on quick clean shampoo for dogs on the run. Can be used to give your pup a quick maintenance cleans between baths or grooming parlour visits. It cleans and freshens your dogs fur, removing dirt and unpleasant odours. Size 250ml.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Beaphar Tooth Gel - 100 g
Regular price Dhs. 40.00 Save Dhs. -40.00Clean teeth and fresh breath without using a brush! Beaphar Tooth Gel offers daily protection for dogs or cats teeth. The gel counteracts plaque and prevents the formation of tartar, resulting in fresher breath. Enclosed with a small nozzle, to use just apply a thin layer to your pets teeth. Suitable for dogs and cats.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Breed Health - Yorkie Adult (1.5kg)
Regular price Dhs. 100.00 Save Dhs. -100.00Suitable for Yorkshire Terriers over 10 months old, ROYAL CANIN Yorkshire Terrier Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your adult dog in mind.
ROYAL CANIN Yorkshire Terrier Adult contributes to maintaining the health of your Yorkie’s coat through an adapted content enriched by essential omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA), omega-6 fatty acids, borage oil, and biotin.
ROYAL CANIN Yorkshire Terrier Adult satisfies even the fussiest of appetites, thanks to a combination of exceptional flavours that your dog won’t be able to resist!
Good oral hygiene is an important consideration when selecting your dog’s food. ROYAL CANIN Yorkshire Terrier Adult helps slow down tartar formation through a precise inclusion of calcium chelators within the kibble.
To cater to each dog’s individual preferences, ROYAL CANIN Yorkshire Terrier Adult is also available as wet food in a soft and tasty loaf.
If you’re considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your dog gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Royal Canin Size Health - Giant Puppy (15kg)
Regular price Dhs. 471.00 Save Dhs. -471.00Suitable for giant breeds (over 45 kg once adult) from 2 to 8 months of age. Puppies of giant dog breeds grow in two stages, with skeleton growth occurring mainly in the first phase from 2 to 8 months of age. During this key period particularly, your puppy’s diet is important in order to support optimal health as it grows and develops.
ROYAL CANIN Giant Puppy contains a patented complex of specific antioxidants – including the highly beneficial vitamin E – to help support your puppy’s natural defences while they’re still developing.
Thanks to a specifically adapted energy content, ROYAL CANIN Giant Puppy helps to support your puppy’s high growth rate during the second stage of growth.
What’s more, ROYAL CANIN Giant Puppy also contributes to bone and joint support in giant breed puppies like yours; this is thanks to a balanced intake of energy and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Dried Whole Sprats 85g
Regular price Dhs. 20.00 Save Dhs. -20.00Air Dried and packed with Omega 3 and 6 fish acids, which promotes a healthy skin and coat, ideal for feeding daily. 100 % Whole Baltic Sprat.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Lamb Ears 100g
Regular price Dhs. 36.00 Save Dhs. -36.00Perfect even for the most sensitive of tummies, our delicious air-dried Lamb Ears make for an irresistible treat for your dog. Long lasting and packed with flavour and goodness, these treats are ideal for training or as a guilt-free snack.
Key features:
100% pure lamb ears.
Easy to digest
No additives
Great for snacks and training.
Air dried to perfection.
Healthy nutrition
Long lasting and packed with flavour and goodness.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

JR Pet Pure Kangaroo Sticks
Regular price Dhs. 25.00 Save Dhs. -25.00JR’s 100% natural single source protein pure range kangaroo sticks for dogs are not only a delicious treat but they’re healthy too. Ideal for dogs of all breeds and sizes, they’re a great source of protein and are perfect for training. Suitable for all breeds, and for both raw and kibble-fed dogs. Does not contain any offal or bad ingredients, just premium cuts of human-grade meat. Great for dogs with allergies and suitable for puppies from 4 weeks and over. Grain and gluten free. Naturally low in fat. No additives or preservatives.
Package Size 50g
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Thrive Puppy Complete Chicken 400g
Regular price Dhs. 14.50 Save Dhs. -14.50Made with freshly prepared Chicken – the only source of protein in this Thrive Dog Puppy Complete Chicken wet food is a natural and irresistable recipe, especially formulated for puppies of all breeds and sizes. Thrive Chicken puppy food is natural and wholesome, simply chicken cooked in a chicken broth and then with an add selection of fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals to give your dog a complete and perfectly balanced meal. Contains no grain, wheat, gluten or soya. Nothing artificial, no GMOs, no fillers, no derivatives. Size: 400g.
Ingredients: Freshly prepared Chicken (58%), Broth, Sweet Potato, Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Tomato, Apples, Cranberries, Minerals, Seaweed, Yeast Extract, Herbs, Yucca Extract, Fish and Linseed Oil, Egg.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Bone Pet Tag - Chrome Silver
Regular price Dhs. 48.00 Save Dhs. -48.00Including plain font engraving. Have your pets name and your contact information engraved on the tag. We do not charge per line or per alphabet. You may type as many alphabets/characters on the tag as you wish, as long as they fit! Just mention in your order notes what you would like engraved on the tag. Remember - the more letters on the tag, the smaller the font will be. It is most common to have the pets name and your contact telephone number engraved on the tag. You can also put an address - if you have a permanent one, but this should be as short and concise as possible.
Approximate Dimensions: 1-1/2" x 1" (3.8cm x 2.5cm)
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Mikki Shedding Comb
Regular price Dhs. 50.50 Save Dhs. -50.50The Mikki Shedding Comb has been carefully designed to remove dead hair from your pet during the shedding season. If your pet has matts, use a Mikki Matt Splitter or Matt Breaker to help you cut through the tangles - this will be easier for you to do and easier for your pet. The different lengths of pins on this shedding comb help tease through knots and tangles and reach all dead hair. The new and improved ergonomic handle guarantees comfort for you while you groom your pets.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Pet Remedy Plug-In Diffuser Pack (3-pin)
Regular price Dhs. 126.00 Save Dhs. -126.00Natural de-stress and calming solution for all your animals. Help to calm and relax your animals naturally without the use of sedatives. Can be used during high stress activities like transporting, moving house, vet visits, introduction to new environments and works well just as a general calmer at home to help keep animals relaxed. Pet Remedy is suitable for all mammals, birds and reptiles; including cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, horses, and birds too.
**Starts to help immediately
**Helps calm your pet without sedating
**Helps stressed pets become more attentive, settled, and receptive to their owners
Pet Remedy works alongside the brains natural messengers called neurotransmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm (via GABA pathway) or get fired up. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in our animals. The special Pet Remedy blend of essential oils is valerian based and works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed animals. Always consult your vet if your pet shows persistent or out of character signs of stress, or you observe any sudden behavioural changes.
There are many ways to use Pet Remedy:
*The Pet Remedy Spray can be used immediately and directly applied on your animal. Instead of spraying directly at the animal, and to avoid it spraying into your pets eyes, spray one or two spritzes into a cloth and rub over the pets chest area.
*Use the Pet Remedy Atomiser or Plug-in Diffuser inside your home to help calm animals
*Calming wipes are an easy, convenient way to apply the Pet Remedy as an alternative to the spray.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Pet Remedy Calming Spray - 200ml
Regular price Dhs. 110.25 Save Dhs. -110.25Natural de-stress and calming solution for all your animals. Help to calm and relax your animals naturally without the use of sedatives. Can be used during high stress activities like transporting, moving house, vet visits, introduction to new environments and works well just as a general calmer at home to help keep animals relaxed. Pet Remedy is suitable for all mammals, birds and reptiles; including cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, horses, and birds too.
**Starts to help immediately
**Helps calm your pet without sedating
**Helps stressed pets become more attentive, settled, and receptive to their owners
Pet Remedy works alongside the brains natural messengers called neurotransmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm (via GABA pathway) or get fired up. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in our animals. The special Pet Remedy blend of essential oils is valerian based and works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed animals. Always consult your vet if your pet shows persistent or out of character signs of stress, or you observe any sudden behavioural changes.
There are many ways to use Pet Remedy:
*The Pet Remedy Spray can be used immediately and directly applied on your animal. Instead of spraying directly at the animal, and to avoid it spraying into your pets eyes, spray one or two spritzes into a cloth and rub over the pets chest area.
*Use the Pet Remedy Atomiser or Plug-in Diffuser inside your home to help calm animals
*Calming wipes are an easy, convenient way to apply the Pet Remedy as an alternative to the spray.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

All For Paws Chill Out Ice Bone
Regular price Dhs. 26.50 Save Dhs. -26.50Soak the All For Paws Chill Out Ice Bone in water and once water has been absorbed, place the bone in freezer. Once frozen this toy will allow hours of cool play for your pooch. Ideal for play on hot summer days. The cool gel inside the bone keeps the absorbed water colder for longer periods, keeping your dog cool and satisfied. Cool gel inside the All For Paws Chill Out Ice Bone is safe and non toxic. Available in Small and Large sizes. Ice Bone Small is 11cm x 4.5cm x 3.5cm and Chill Out Bone Large is 16cm x 8cm x 5cm.
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.

Zeal Venison Shanks (2pc, 300g)
Regular price Dhs. 52.00 Save Dhs. -52.00Zeal Venison Shanks from 100% free-range deer in New Zealand. These succulent shanks make an incredibly enjoyable long lasting chew with a rich marrow reward inside. Regular chewing promotes healthy dental hygeine by preventing plaque and tartar build up. These treats also double as a tasty toy because of their long lasting chewability. Two chunky venison shanks in this 300g bag will have your pooch saying "Shanks and Yes Please!"
Delivery Timings:
Please note, we do not deliver on Sunday's or public holidays, and have a very limited delivery schedule on Saturday.
Dubai: "Next Day" Delivery applies only to orders placed before 4pm from Monday to Thursday. Orders placed after 4pm cannot be guaranteed for "Next Day" delivery and will be re-scheduled to the following day. We will always try our best to get your order delivered as quickly as possible. Any orders received Friday to Sunday will be delivered on the following week.
Sharjah & Ajman: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Sharjah & Ajman are delivered within a maximum of three (3) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Abu Dhabi: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly and as quickly as possible. Deliveries within Abu Dhabi are delivered within a maximum of five (5) working days. We always try to deliver as quickly as possible.
Other Emirates: We endeavour to ship all orders promptly. Deliveries to other Emirates (not including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman) are received within seven (7) working days.
Delivery Charges:
Dubai, Sharjah & Ajman: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED40 (applicable to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman).
Other Emirates: “Free Delivery” is applicable for orders over AED150 that are being delivered to your home or office address, subject to availability of the item(s) you have ordered.
For orders valued below AED150, delivery charges apply. Delivery fees are AED50 (applicable to Abu Dhabi, Fujeirah, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain and other remote areas).
Shipping Terms:
www.happypets.ae will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
Multiple shipments/delivery may result in multiple postings to the cardholder’s monthly statement.
All orders placed in this web shop are subject to product availability and will be delivered according to our delivery terms. If there are any problems regarding your order, we will notify you using the telephone number or e-mail address you have provided with the order. On the rare ocassion items may not be in stock due to manufacturer delays or shipping delays. You will be notified of any delay.
We will happily refund or exchange any items that are damaged or defective upon opening the packaging. If you have found the product has a defect or is damaged, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item.
ALL refunds will be given with store credit.
Credit refunds are only possible for damaged or defective products and will only be available after goods have been returned and inspected and will be in the original mode of payment.
If you wish to return any product that has been incorrectly purchased, please contact us within seven days at info@equestri-online.com. Return requests received after the seven day window will be charged a 20% restocking fee. Delivery charges are non-refundable and the cost of returning incorrectly purchased products is the responsibility of the customer.
We do not accept product returns if:
- Products have been altered in any form their original purchase
- Tags and labels have been removed or if original packaging is not available
- Items have been used
- Items that have been purchased on sale or promotions
Any consumables like Food, treats, supplement or medication product returns must be unopened, in original packaging with no defects and should have at least 6 months validity to be considered for return by us.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned items if the product has been used or tampered with.
Please give us some time to process your return/exchange. It takes about 1-2 business days for us to receive the returned or exchanged product(s) back from you. Within 72 hours of receiving the item back in our warehouse, you will receive an e-mail and a credit note that reflects that the amount has been credited into your account. Please allow for up to 21 days for the refund transfer to be completed.
Cancellation Policy
Customers can cancel their order at any point unless the order has already been dispatched, in which case, please refer to refund policy.
Lost or Damaged Goods
In the unlikely event that any goods are lost or damaged in transit, please contact us immediately via email to info@equestri-online.com. In the case of non-delivery please wait seven working days from the date of your order in case it has been delayed. In case of goods received damaged or faulty please retain the goods, please take photographic evidence and send to us within 48 hours of receiving the item. Upon receipt we will arrange for the damaged or faulty goods to be exchanged or we will provide a store credit of the cost of the goods.