About Us

happypets is a friendly and professional online pet supplies boutique that offers a diverse range of pet food and care products at affordable prices and conveniently delivered to your home or office. As enthusiastic pet owners ourselves (and busy people in general) we realise that with todays hectic lifestyles what you really  need is a convenient, easy to navigate online store that delivers quickly and has great customer service - that's us. happypets offers pet owners a one stop haven for all their pet needs from a host of sought-after brands from around the world.

Being an online pet shop is a big benefit for YOU, the customer, making the service available 24/7 and guaranteeing quick and convenient delivery to your home or office plus the support from our friendly and professional team if you need it.

www.happypets.ae is owned and operated by EQUESTRI HORSE EQUESTRIAN EQUIPMENT TRADING LLC.